Welcome Little Monsters


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Three things I want from a man...

1) Laughs
If a guy can't make me laugh he can't make me do anything. Full stop. Humour is just one of those typically masculine things. Most girls aren't that funny, and if they are then normally there is something a bit manly about them (Take Ellen DeGeneres for example!). Because of this, us girls depend on the males in our lives to make us laugh. If a guy can crack a few jokes he instantly becomes more appealing.

Making jokes about things I do or say is great because it makes me laugh and also provides me with attention (See number two!). Humility is important here too. Men who take themselves too seriously are not attractive.

I'm not gonna lie, I need attention! I know a lot of men who wouldn't put up with me because I'm too 'high maintenance'. That's fine. I'm willing to wait around for someone who wants to shower me in tender loving care. Yes, I am a female chauvinist pig and I believe that I deserve to be treated like a princess by men.

Now, I'm not saying that if I ask for something he should do it for me. Definitely not, in fact the opposite, I hate when guys do what I say. It frustrates me no end, like, stand up for yourself against me! No, I just mean, sending me a text letting me know you're thinking of me. Or saying something cute out of the blue.

3) Intelligence
I need to be intellectually challenged. I don't think I could put up with someone who doesn't read or doesn't enjoy learning. There's nothing worse than a guy who only talks about things on television. If I'm to engage with someone properly than they need to be able hold a conversation on the things I like talking about, like books, emotions, current affairs. I do enjoy a philosophical conversation every now and then too!

I remember once I was in a bar and this one guy tried to chat me up. So he asked what I was studying and I replied 'Science, mainly biology' and he gave me a look like I had three heads, said 'NEXT!' and walked away. What an idiot. I like to think I had a lucky escape there- I doubt conversations with him would have been riveting.

Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love,
Kizzy xx

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