Welcome Little Monsters


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Full Fathom Five...

I really love poetry... Only lucidly written poetry though. It's very rare that I come across poetry that actually affects me, but when it does, it is amazing. There are too many people out there nowadays that call themselves poets. I'd say with 99% of all the poems I have read in my life I have been unimpressed. A good poem when read sounds like music. The mixture of rhythms, alliteration and repetition actually sound like percussion instruments accompanying the lyrics. A good poem evokes emotion. Often if something is happening in my life that confuses me, or I don't know what to do about something, reading a poem with which I can identify can answer questions I have or help me handle the situation better than I would have.

When I was younger I fancied myself as a bit of a poet, I still have a few of them typed up and in a little red folder somewhere in my room. I haven't written anything in a good few months though. Right now the thought of sitting down and writing a poem scares me. I don't know why I grew out of it to be honest, I think it was laziness. It's very hard to write poetry. Originally when I was younger I thought it was easy, just write the first line, find a word that rhymes and then write the second line. As I grew older though, this formula didn't suffice. I started reading adult poetry where there were no rhymes and yet the words sounded like a melody to the ears. This was real poetry, which I find next to impossible to write. Maybe that's why reading a well written poem influences me so much emotionally- Because the skill of writing one is so elusive to me.

Sylvia Plath is my favorite poet, and some of Yeats' work too, although I disagree with some of his political opinions so sometimes I have difficulty reading his poems while remaining unbiased.

Maybe as soon as exams are over I shall begin to write again. There is no better feeling than being able to formulate your thoughts into lines that not only make sense (Most of my thoughts don't make sense!) but also are aurally pleasing. It also helps to organise my mind too.


The stars go waltzing out in blue and red;
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

- From Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath

I decided to write this entry after reading the above poem. It pretty much sums up how I'm feeling right now. Men are so confusing...

Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love,
Kizzy xx

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