Welcome Little Monsters


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cinderella shall go to The Ball.

Bradshaw & I.

ASOS baby.

So Trinity Ball took place last Friday evening, it involves odd music, too much drink, being locked into Trinity for 8hours and great dresses and suits. Being my typical self I neglected to get a picture of myself and my dress, but there it is above, probably looked completely different on me. I was channeling some sort of Greek God, all gold bangles and headbands (a la Topshop & Kizzy). Had a friggin awesome time dude, hanging out with friends I had almost forgotten I had, running around like a mad lunatic & trying to imitate Canadian accents. The line-up this year, unfortunately was a disgrace, Japanese Popstars, Jape, Mystery Jets they were great, everyone else was a bit dismal to be honest, not my scene I guess? Also, Bradshaw wore a tie with his tux, personally think it was a mistake but whatever, & I have come home with a full on proper silk bow-tie from Louis Copeland, if this belongs to anyone, give us a shout yeah?

1 comment:

  1. Standard bow ties are over-rated when with a full on tux !!! A tie is usually much more slick :) Darragh was right
